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Jura C-D-E-F-S-X Brew Group Drain Valve
Jura C-D-E-F-S-X Brew Group Drain Valve | 63577
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Jura C-D-E-F-S-X Brew Group Drain Valve

The Jura Drain Valve is located at the bottom of the Brew Group. Often times the O-Rings deteriorate or crack, causing the Drain Valve to leak. You will notice a decrease in coffee flow and increase in water accumulation in the Drip Tray. If there is no visible physical damage to the valve, then product 10198 (Drain Valve Repair Kit) is a cheaper alternative to fixing the leak; however, replacing the whole valve is simpler and ensures the leak will be fixed. To replace the Drainage Valve the Brew Group needs to be removed. Then, remove the side panels of the Brew Group, which are secured by locking tabs, to access the Drain Valve.

The brew group drain valve may become clogged with scale, preventing the flow of water from reaching the coffee grounds inside the brew group. In this case, dry grounds will be dispensed in the grounds container and no coffee is dispensed. The white cap attached the the metal rod may crack with extended use, or the spring becomes corroded and unable to compress. Either scenario will cause a portion or all of the water to drain into the drip tray during the brew cycle. We offer a Metal Drain Valve Cap (Part 10699) that is a permanent fix for this malfunction.

Model Line: Model: Model Number:
Jura Capresso-Impressa C-Line: C5 - C9 - C50 - C55 - C60 - C65 - C70 - C90 13531 - 13422 - 13452 - 13681 - 13739 - 15006 - 15068
Jura D-Line: D4 - D6 - D600 15215 - 15216 - 15199
Jura Capresso-Impressa E-Line: E5 - E8 - E9 - E10 - E20 - E25 - E30 - E40 - E45 - E50 - E55 - E60 - E65 - E70 - E74 - E75 - E80 - E85 13187 - 13204
Jura Capresso-Impressa F-Line: F5 - F7 - F8 - F9 - F50 - F55 - F70 - F90 - XF50 - XF70 13185 - 13412 - 13345 - 13413 - 13171 - 13188 - 13684 - 15005 - 13273
Jura Capresso-Impressa S-Line: S7 Avantgarde - S7 - S8 - S9 - S9 Avantgarde - S9 One Touch - S50 - S55 - S70 - S75 - S85 - S90 - S95 13179 - 13289 - 13180 - 13936 - 13674 - 13215 - 13423 - 13448
Jura Capresso-Impressa X-Line: X90 - X95 - XS9 - XS90 - XS95 - XS90 One Touch - XS95 One Touch 13118 - 13372 - 12952 - 13318 - 13429

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